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Selectboard Minutes April 27, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
April 27, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien and Alan Sentkowski.

FY09 Warrant #22
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

April 13, 2009 Regular Meeting – Joe made a motion to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
April 6, 2009 Special Meeting – Joe made a motion to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
March 25, 2009 Special Meeting – Joe made a motion to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
March 10, 2009 Special Meeting – Joe made a motion to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
March 10, 2009 Executive Session – Joe made a motion to accept the minutes to be released at this time. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Update from Senator Kerry’s Staff – Cheri Rolfes
Cheri Rolfes, staff member for Senator Kerry informed the Board they’ll be holding weekly office hours in Princeton. At this time, reimbursement for the ice storm is the primary concern. Also, the Chapter 71 budget cut for transportation resulted in one third of the total cut for the WRSD. The Board would like to see this adjusted and to allow Chapter 71 aid to go out. The Board thanked Cheri for her time.

Police Officers and Dispatch Union Contract Addendum- FY10
An agreement was reached with representatives for the Police Officers and Dispatchers Union. They agreed to reduce the contractual agreement from a 5% to a 2% increase based on the wage study and to forego a merit increase.  The employee health insurance split will remain at the 85/15 for FY10. The Board’s intent is to modify to 80/20 on July 1, 2010.
Alan moved to approve the memorandum agreement and addendum to the Police Officers and Dispatchers Union contract on this day, April 27, 2009. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

NEADS – One Day Alcohol License
Joe moved to approve a one day liquor license for NEADS on Saturday, June 13, at the NEADS facility, based on what Chief Schmol deems necessary. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Sign Requests
Mass Audubon- Alan moved to approve the redesigned sign along with a smaller hanging sign for the MASS Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary located at the intersection of Goodnow Road and Route 62. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).Deb Cary was present for the discussion and provided pictures of the sign.

Princeton Arts Chorale - Joe moved to approve the request of the Princeton Arts Chorale to place a sign at the bottom of the common and at the corner of 140 and 31 opposite Captain Bob’s Restaurant. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0)
Brenda will send a note reminding them of their original discussion with the Board and that the intent was for a single hanging sign.

Wachusett Garden Club- Alan moved to approve the request for a temporary sign at the bottom of the common and the intersection of 31 and 62 at the Thomas Prince School, near Captain Bob’s.  Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Annual Appointments
A list of members with terms expiring on June 30, 2009 will be compiled by the Town Clerk after the ATM. Members need to be contacted to see if they are willing to continue serving.

Alan moved to accept the resignation of Judith (Kale) Kalloch-Getman from the Conservation Commission. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Joe moved to accept the resignation of Dana Perkins as Assistant Plumbing Inspector. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Conservation Commission Appointments
Alan moved to appoint Judith (Kale) Kalloch-Getman to serve as associate member for the Conservation Commission. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Alan moved to appoint Holly Palmgren from associate member to full member with the term held by Judith (Kale) Kalloch-Getman. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Parks & Rec Committee Appointments
Alan moved to appoint Barbara Clark of Prospect Street to serve as alternate member for the Parks & Rec Committee with a term to expire on June 30, 2010. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Parks & Rec Committee Chairman Leave of Absence
Chairman Chris Alsdorf requested a leave of absence from the Committee for six months. The Committee agreed and Kevin Heman will serve as the Chairman. The Town Clerk did not find any legal reason to not allow a leave. No action is required by the Board.

Rte 140 Safety Improvement Task Force – Update
Joe noted the group continues to move forward.  Westminster Selectman John Fairbanks is taking the lead, handling meeting notifications, agendas and minutes.
Selectmen’s Retreat
The Board will arrange a short retreat to make a list on ongoing projects and set priorities.  

Hubbardston-Templeton-Princeton – Regional Trash Update
Joe attended a meeting in Baldwinville with all three Boards of Health and Boards of Selectmen. They agreed to move forward with final negotiations. They intend to enter into contract with Waste Management to serve as the voluntary hauler for the towns in a “pay as you throw” program.  A public hearing will be held on May 4, 2009 in Princeton.

FY08 Ice Storm Update
All project worksheets were approved by FEMA for a total of $517,000 and will be processed within two weeks. The data for donated services by residents for clean up amounts to $54,000. Busy Bee is doing a nice job on the clean up and the cemeteries are looking good.

2009 ATM Warrant
The STM will be at the end of the ATM to deal with FY09 businesses. Alan will work with Lynne on a final review of the warrant.

Grant of Easement for Land Swap – DCR & Town of Princeton
Joe moved to sign the Grant of Easement for the land swap between DCR & the town of Princeton. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Future Agenda Items
Ambulance Service Zone Plan (Fire Chief)
Motions for ATM (Alan will craft when warrant is final)
May 26- schedule executive session for Fire Chief’s contract

May 11 BOS Meeting – Location Change
The meeting will be held at the library from 5 to 7 pm.

Operating without a Town Administrator
The Board will stay with routine business during this time. The Chairman will make decisions in the absence of a Town Administrator. Lynne Grettum and Brenda Savoie will provide additional assistance to the Board during this transition time.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary